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  2. Workspace Setup
  3. Branded Templates and Collections

Manage collections

A collection is a grouping of your templates. You can manage collections on the Templates screen.

To add a collection, click on Add Collection on the left side menu and fill in the name of your collection.

To publish a collection, click on the on or off switch beside the three-point icon and set the date that you'd like to publish your collection.

You may also opt to notify users about the collection and make the collection available for all linked workspaces. After you are done with the setup, click on Publish.

You may rename and copy your template to your workspace anytime.

You can move a template from one collection to another by clicking on the three-point icon on the lower right corner of the template, selecting Move to, then choosing the collection that you'd want to move it to. You may change your preferred size when moving your branded template.
It is also possible to set the order of your templates inside a collection. You can do so by dragging the template in the position where you prefer it to be like in the video below: