Get a refund
To get a refund first cancel your subscription. You can check how to do it here: How to cancel your subscription.
After you cancel your subscription send us an email from the same email address that you have in your account and we will issue it if it complies with our Refund Policies.
Refund Policy
Refunds are not automatic. To request a refund, please contact us here, section of Billings & Payments.
This policy is outlined in our Term of services – section refunds:
Free trial
Once You activate a free trial through iTunes, You will need to cancel before the end of the trial period to avoid being charged for the annual subscription. Please note that Desygner is not able to cancel a free trial on your behalf.
As an iTunes user, You are in full control of Your iTunes subscription.
Desygner can not issue refunds and cancellations. Apple does not provide a way for developers to issue cancellations or refunds.
Please follow the steps:
Google Play Store & Others
Weekly Plan
We don’t offer refunds for weekly plans
If you cancel your services, your cancellation takes effect on your next billing cycle. This means we won’t be able to refund you for any unused portion of your services.
e.g. You chose a weekly subscription of Desygner on July 1. On July 8, your credit card is charged as usual. On July 8 after the payment, you decide to cancel your Subscription. No further charges will be made to your credit card for the next week (ending on July 15) but you will not receive a refund. You will still be able to use it until the deadline is over.
Monthly Plan
We don’t offer refunds for monthly plans regardless of the subscription plans chosen by the user.
If you cancel your services, your cancellation takes effect on your next billing cycle. This means we won’t be able to refund you for any unused portion of your services.
e.g. You chose a monthly subscription to Desygner on July 1 and after 30 days on August 1, Your credit card is charged as per the subscription plan. Once the payment has been charged as per your provided payment method. If You decide to cancel Your Subscription on any day in August, no further charges will be made to your credit card for the next month ( September ) on September 1, however, You will not receive a refund. You will still be able to use the services till August 30.
Annual Plan
How does the trial work?
The trial period is applicable to certain business plans and specified to the user at the time of payment.
The trial period will be applicable only where specified during the subscription process.
The Trial period is absolutely free and you may cancel at any time during the trial period. Once the trial period ends , you will be billed for the annual subscription plan you’ve chosen.
We ask for a payment method to ensure you don’t have any interruption in service after the free trial. We do this by sending an authorization request to your financial institution to verify that your payment method works.
You will not be charged any payment during the trial period and there is no Refund policy once the charge has been made to Your provided payment method. This applies to all types of plans and subscription models.
The annual subscription is auto-renewable and it’s charged to your account and renewed for the same amount within 24 hours before the end of the current period. You’ll be automatically charged at the end of your trial period unless you cancel before the trial period ends. Auto-renewal may be turned off at any time in settings.
We don’t offer refunds for credit purchases.
Printed goods
We don’t offer refunds or returns but are happy to replace any defective products. For more information on how to make a claim, please click here.
Cancel Subscription
If you cancel your subscription, your cancellation takes effect on your next billing cycle. However, you will not receive a refund or credit for any amounts that have already been billed.
A common misunderstanding is thinking that, by deleting Desygner app, you will be cancelling your subscription.
If you want to know how to cancel your subscription, please follow the steps.